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Youth / Artist Mentorship Project

An Ontario 150 partnership program


The Youth / Artist Mentorship Project was a piIot project running from June, 2017, to February, 2018. It was built on two ideas:


  1. Healthy communities thrive on creativity, diversity of expression, and innovation.

  2. The key to fostering these conditions in the present and the future lies in an inter-generational stream of creative and experiential knowledge sharing. As Paul Soderberg has written, "Art's golden thread of mentors stretches not just into the ancient past, but also far into the future."


YAMP fostered a culture of teaching and learning, career development, and community connection across London’s horizon of established artists, aspiring artists, and young people — and encouraged the next generation of London’s artistic community to pursue future mentorship roles.


YAMP artists worked in 'Artist Teams' — composed of a LAIR artist and two or three emerging artists of high school or post-secondary age — over a period of eight months. While the professional artist helped the emerging artists develop their arts-education skills, the emerging artists brought their own passions and abilities to teaching young people about expressive diversity and innovation. YAMP focused on the disciplines of dance, digital media, drama, music, and visual arts.


The project was sponsored by Ontario 150 and was delivered in partnership with local community organizations that acting as YAMP hosts, including the London Health Sciences Centre, WAYS Mental Health Support, and the Boys & Girls Club.

Youth / Artist Mentorship Project

Youth / Artist Mentorship Project

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In just two weeks, I noticed that the emerging artists gained confidence and found their voices in teaching large groups and in working one-on-one [...]. So it was definitely in communication where I could see a real sense of learning.

Marilyn Lazenby, senior artist

Visual Arts Team

In YAMP, I feel like I have tangible responsibilities. I have control […] and I am not just an assistant.

Hannah Kim, emerging artist

Dance Team

I never thought about the possibility of teaching art to kids or teens, but now I think that this could be a real career path for me. I am a lot more of a leader than I thought I was.

Keenan Waram, emerging artist

Digital Arts Team

One of the boys we were teaching told me, 'Thank you so much. I didn’t know I could be a dancer.' It is good to see that I was able to inspire young people through dance.

Montana Summers, emerging artist

Dance Team

After a week of working with the Music Team, the tween and teens here at the club seem to be inspired to pursue music in their schools and in extra-curricular activities

Darian, staff member

Partner Organization

I loved the new knowledge and resources that the emerging artists brought to the programming. The quality of this continues to aid our programs today.

Joyce, staff member

Partner Organization

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