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Culture City Youth

Inspiring a new generation of community members

Culture City Youth description


Culture City Youth introduces young hearts and minds to city-building, civic engagement, and citizenship through the frame of arts. The program's five-day, multi-venue experience immerses students and teachers in the best of London’s culture, offering opportunities to learn from professional artists, city and community leaders, and social innovators and to engage in hands-on experiences that cannot be replicated in the classroom.


A typical Culture City Youth itinerary incorporates more than thirty activities at over a dozen organizations and cultural sites in London, including the following:


  • Experiencing a medicine walk led by a local Indigenous artist.

  • Interpreting stories from London’s history under the guidance of a theatre professional.

  • Breakdancing, song-writing, and improv-ing with professional dancers, musicians, and actors.

  • Learning about the revitalization of Old East Village from community leaders involved in arts and culture, food production and stability, and social services.

  • Becoming budding photojournalists. At the beginning of every Culture City Youth week, students are given cameras and photography instruction. Motivated by daily photo challenges, they make sense of London through a new lens and capture its vibrant downtown core.

Culture City Youth

Culture City Youth

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Photos by past Culture City Youth participants

Sidney & Alexus, Glen Cairn PS (2)

Sidney & Alexus, Glen Cairn PS (2)

Victor P, Holy Cross CS

Victor P, Holy Cross CS

Mia & Emily, Glen Cairn PS

Mia & Emily, Glen Cairn PS

Sidney & Alexus, Glen Cairn PS (1)

Sidney & Alexus, Glen Cairn PS (1)

Sammy & Robert, St. Martin CS

Sammy & Robert, St. Martin CS

Lilian, St. Martin CS

Lilian, St. Martin CS

Mav & Logan, Glen Cairn PS

Mav & Logan, Glen Cairn PS

Giovanni, Holy Cross CS

Giovanni, Holy Cross CS

Indica & Blake B, Glen Cairn PS (1)

Indica & Blake B, Glen Cairn PS (1)

Indica & Blake B, Glen Cairn PS (2)

Indica & Blake B, Glen Cairn PS (2)

Kaylen & Holly, Glen Cairn PS

Kaylen & Holly, Glen Cairn PS

Jimmy D & Colton T, Prince Charles PS

Jimmy D & Colton T, Prince Charles PS

Marcus P, Holy Cross CS

Marcus P, Holy Cross CS

Matthew & Carlos, Glen Cairn PS

Matthew & Carlos, Glen Cairn PS

Fernand, Glen Cairn PS

Fernand, Glen Cairn PS

Amour M, Holy Cross CS

Amour M, Holy Cross CS

Andi L & Maddy C, Prince Charles PS

Andi L & Maddy C, Prince Charles PS

Ethan B, Holy Cross CS

Ethan B, Holy Cross CS

Anthony D & Winston L, Holy Cross CS

Anthony D & Winston L, Holy Cross CS


How Can Students Participate?

Culture City Youth is unlike any other educational program in London and is perfect for teachers who want to expose their students to civic engagement through local, experiential learning opportunities.


If you're interested in your class taking part, please contact Jeremy Jeresky (Curator, Public Programs and Learning) at

Culture City logistics
Culture City impact

What is Culture City Youth's Impact?

Culture City Youth image

A great learning experience for students and teachers. As an instructor, this experience opened my eyes to the benefits of immersing students into unique learning environments. I also learned how easy it can be to replicate these experiences in my own practice.

Nathan Stout, Grade 6 teacher

St. Martin Catholic Elementary School (LDCSB)

I will always remember the Medicine Walk in Westminster Ponds. I'm not an outdoorsy person, but it made me feel better, made me breathe better, because I saw so many beautiful things.

Grade 8 student

Riverside Public School (TVDSB)

The changes I saw in my students over the course of the week were amazing. Students who lacked confidence before were speaking up and participating in all activities. Not only did my class get some amazing learning experiences that they will have for the rest of the lives, but they grew together as a class, supported each other, and encouraged each other. Seeing your students grow individually and as a group is something every teacher dreams of.

Amy Mitchell, Grade 7 teacher

Masonville Public School (TVDSB)

I'm surprised how much culture there is in London!

Grade 7 student

Princess Elizabeth Public School (TVDSB)

The children I teach live in a low socio-economic area in London, and the Culture City project exposed them to a London that was beyond their neighborhood. Many times over the course of the week, I heard 'Wow, I've never seen this area before.' Culture City has helped to broaden my students’ horizons of experience and to teach them how to get more involved in their communities. The people we met who ran the programming were like our new friends.

Scott Gilbert, Grade 7/8 teacher

Prince Charles Public School (TVDSB)

I never thought I would be interested in so many different kinds of art—like creative writing, photography, and graffiti.

Grade 7 student

St. Theresa Catholic School (LDCSB)

I recently had the privilege of joining my daughter’s Grade 6 class for a week-long series of Culture City day trips, and have been raving about the program ever since. Though I'm not a teacher, I would highly recommend Culture City for every class in London and believe portions of the program should be adapted and made available to members of the general public. The students not only learned about the operations and heritage of their city, but actually experienced both, using photography and engaging in activities such as dance, art, songwriting, a medicine walk, and having their own city hall debates on real issues that impact London.


I believe strongly that the students walked away from this week knowing more about the workings and heritage of London than many lifetime Londoners. The hands-on experiences—complemented each day by the photo challenges and by the journal entries assigned by their teacher—made this week an interactive, unforgettable education experience.

Parent of Grade 6 student

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London Community Foundation, City of London, Trillium Foundation

For more information about Culture City Youth,

please contact Jeremy Jeresky

(Curator, Public Programs and Learning)


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