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Meet the Team: Veronica Antipolo, Administrator, Cultivating Allyship

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Veronica brings 20 years+ of administration experience and a commitment to amplify and provide access for diversity.

Meet Veronica Antipolo

Veronica brings 20 years+ of administration experience and a commitment to amplify and provide access for diversity. As a storyteller, she shares stories (sometimes through comedy) and helps others share theirs by telling them, writing them, and, producing events and shows. She co-founded MOSAIC Untold Lives – a storytelling platform for Women of Colour. She was the 2020 and 2021 livestream event producer for CineFam Film Festival which showcases films by creators of colour. Her stories and comedy have been featured in CBC’s The Doc Project, Reader’s Digest, Stories We Don’t Tell, and the award-winning RICE Asian comedy podcast.


Ask Me Anything - with Veronica Antipolo

Who is someone you admire, and why?

There are two people. My son and my daughter. My son is funny, kind and selfless. My daughter is confident, strong, sure of what she wants. I make an effort to grow to be more like them.

What do you want to make sure you do before you die?

Live…like, really live – for the moments, for what I care about, for the laughter. I try to DO life as opportunities come up and make my own opportunities. A ‘before I die’ checklist would be forgotten at home like the grocery list.

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

I bring 20+ years of senior administrative experience. I understand how the granular makes up the bigger picture and vice versa. I like people - talking with, listening to, and observing them. As a storyteller who is second generation Canadian of Southeast Asian heritage, I’m passionate about amplifying, representing, and sharing diverse narratives.


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