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Arts and Culture organizations in the city are united in their advocacy efforts for the City’s Multi-Year Budget 2024-2027

Updated: Feb 24, 2024

LONDON, February 22, 2024 – Board members, staff members, and volunteers of Museum London, the Grand Theatre, the London Arts Council, and the London Public Library, are united in their advocacy efforts regarding City Council’s proposed multi-year budget and its impacts on their organizations and the local communities they serve.


As stated in their joint letter to City Council and Mayor Josh Morgan, “the budget as it stands presents significant challenges for arts, culture, heritage, or library services, at a time when we are being called upon to transform our operations and offerings, to engage a growing diverse population in new ways, and become increasingly accessible, inclusive, equitable and sustainable. Now, while still in a period of recovery after the pandemic, and facing new pressures and constraints given the challenging conditions where we operate in downtown London, we need to collaborate across sectors and we need support and participation from the City of London as much as possible.”


The letter continues “The City’s strategic plan recognizes that investment in arts, culture, heritage and libraries is tied to economic prosperity, the revitalization of the core area, attracting and retaining talent, and contributing to quality of life. Research also links arts and culture activities to positive physical and mental health outcomes for people at all stages. Our work also plays a critical role in advancing goals around reconciliation, inclusion, anti-racism and anti-oppression.” Representatives from the organizations request that the Mayor and Council "explore options for shared or in-kind services to support the organizations through the City staff, engage the organizations in the implementation of City of London’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and other plans, and consider striking a standing committee that works to strengthen the arts, culture, heritage and library services eco-system and inform City plans and processes."


Lastly, they say “As London grows, to realize its full potential as a safe, thriving City and destination of choice, and a place where our children want to make their homes and raise future generations, the City of London needs to meaningfully invest in its existing arts, cultural, heritage and library assets and recognize that these too are essential ingredients for a safe, healthy, inclusive, and vibrant community.” Their hope is that the City Councilors and the Mayor will hear the community’s concerns and honour the requests from arts and culture organizations in London to ensure continued development, support, and celebration of arts and culture in the city, at a time when it really counts. The public is invited to attend the second Budget Public Participation Meeting on Tuesday, February 27th at 4:00p.m. at City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, 3rd floor, to voice their support. Read their full letter to City Council and Mayor Josh Morgan here:



Media Contact:

Eunju Yi, Executive Director, London Arts Council | | 519.439.0013 ext.6


About the London Arts Council


The London Arts Council (LAC) works with public, private, and community partners to build and sustain Londoners’ awareness of, involvement in, and support for all artistic disciplines across the city. 

Our programs in education, health, and community provide paid opportunities for professional artists to create and deliver artworks as well as, support arts organizations in London, ON.



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